Face to Face
Organizational Development Consultation & Organizational Development Facilitation

Face to Face

Organizational Development Practitioner Community
OD-PLANET is a platform for the exchange of information, organizational development, and related fields through study groups and workshops.
Connect with each other, study together, and grow together within a 5-mail radius of each other.
This is a community that brings together organizational development practitioners who are committed to promoting the development and change of organizations and cultures.
At OD-PLANET, we regularly host "Organizational Development Seminars," study sessions on organizational development around the world, featuring Professor Kohei Nishikawa of Konan University, a leading expert in organizational development research.
Currently underway

ATD's Organizational Development Handbook is a tactical, practical book for those in learning and development who are taking their first steps into organizational development, as well as those doing both alone.
While there are many books and textbooks on organizational development (the effort to improve organizational capabilities through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes), this is the first book to address OD from the perspective of human resource development, specifically L&D.
More than ever, L&D professionals are taking on the task of organizational development to drive organizational effectiveness and performance. This can lead to new career...

This book explores the principles and practices that can help organizations grow sustainably and adapt to changing environments.
"The Learning Organization" is a classic work of management theory that emphasizes the importance of an organization's ability to continually improve itself.
In this book, Peter Senge proposes five disciplines (areas of learning).
1. Systems thinking: The ability to understand things as a whole and grasp complex interrelationships.
2. Self-Mastery: The ability of an individual to clarify his or her own vision and take more effective control over his or her life.
3. Mental Models People's beliefs and values shape their behavior...
Past Events
The third session of the "Organizational Development Seminar: Learning from the Original Text," a study group on OD (organizational development) featuring Professor Kohei Nishikawa, a leading expert in the field, is titled "Appreciative Leadership."
A translated version of this book was published in 2012 (with the Japanese title "Why is that leader's workplace so bright?"), but has since gone out of print.
According to Professor Nishikawa, the nuances of this translation are quite different from those of the original.
By reading the original book, you can get a glimpse of what the author, Diana, really wants to convey and what the key points are!
Regarding organizational transformation and growth,…
The second part of the OD Seminar, a study group on OD (organizational development), featuring Professor Nishikawa Kohei, a leading expert in OD, is titled "Positive Leadership."
This time, we will use the book "Positive Leadership" by Professor Kim Cameron, a leading authority on positive psychology, and over the course of four sessions, based on various empirical experiments and research results based on positive psychology, we will learn about the leadership mindset that makes people more positive and unlocks their hidden potential, and how to put it into practice.
The seminar format will provide a learning opportunity for participants to share their practical knowledge through dialogue.
The second part of the OD Seminar, a study group on OD (organizational development), featuring Professor Nishikawa Kohei, a leading expert in OD, is titled "Positive Leadership."
This time, we will use the book "Positive Leadership" by Professor Kim Cameron, a leading authority on positive psychology, and over the course of four sessions, based on various empirical experiments and research results based on positive psychology, we will learn about the leadership mindset that makes people more positive and unlocks their hidden potential, and how to put it into practice.
The seminar format will provide a learning opportunity for participants to share their practical knowledge through dialogue.